An Information Security Management System (ISO/IEC27001) is a set of policies and procedures concerned with information or IT related risks. The governing principle behind an ISMS that an organization should design, implement and maintain a coherent set of policies, procedures and systems to manage risks to its it informations assets, thus ensuring acceptable levels of information security risk.
ISMS exports said, to be effective, the ISMS must:
- have the continuous, unshakeable and visible support and commitment of the organization's top management.
- be managed centrally, based on the common strategy and policy accord the entire organization.
- be an integral part of the overall management of the organization related to and reflecting the organization's approach to risk management, the control objectives and controls and the degree of assurance required.
- undertake only necessary tasks and avoiding over-control and waste of valuable resources.
- fully comply with the organization philosophy and mindset by providing a system that instead of preventing people from doing what they are employed to do, it will enable them to do tin control and demonstrate their fulfilled accountability.
- be a never ending process.
Our consultants are from various different industries and have different experience in information security management. They are capable of helping you and your organization to development ISMS effectively.